Thursday, December 8, 2016

Operation Military Overload

President-elect Donald Trump has nominated a third former general to the executive branch, raising eyebrows among some about the possible bias. It isn't a military overthrow they are concerned about, yet.

"Trump hires a third general, raising concerns about heavy military influence 
Trump picks Kelly for homeland security; the third general tapped for his administration. 
By Philip Rucker and Mike DeBonis" 
Washington Post 

Actually, in my book, How to Select an American President by James A. George with James A. Rodger (c) 2016 Archway Publishing, points are added for military service. In fact, the military has a system of advancement and promotion that is worthy of reference as a model for performance management and personal and professional development. Advancing in the military system is based upon certifications that are verifiable.

The government Senior Executive Service has a similar system. The federal government Office of Personel Management does too.

The trouble is that some presidential appointees could not pass the standards for the hiring of the people and organizations over which they will manage.  There is a complete mismatch among some nominees who have never managed a sizeable bureaucracy and now are made the senior executive. That reflects upon the President as being incompetent and irresponsible. The Senate still must approve. However, they are not guided by specific standards either.

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