Thursday, February 2, 2017

Coping with the American situation

What is the "American situation" as it stands? Here is an attempt at an objective case analysis. I invite all points of view to be considered for discussion because as I have characterized it before, this could be a "mayday" moment for the nation.

Before Election 2016

America had two four-year terms of the Obama administration during which a majority of voters backed the President while the same citizens supported a Republican majority in the House and a slim Democratic majority in the Senate. Obama's presidency with Congress resulted in a dysfunctional government.

The economy rebounded from calamity and near collapse during the Obama administration. However, it did not generate sufficient growth and upward mobile opportunities leaving some lower-skilled workers behind in addition to depriving millennial workers their share of the available work.

Employment data does not reflect the quality-of-work problem. Citizens are uncertain about the numbers of persons who have given up trying to find a job, for instance.

Too many people feel disenfranchised and left out of the system. Where many formerly believed that they were represented by the Democratic Party and supporting institutions, they found a new voice in Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders. Those two offered opposite alternatives.

When the Democratic Party chose Hillary Clinton as their nominee, many voters saw too many detractors. Some did not vote. Many chose the Republican candidate, Donald Trump who won the Electoral Vote while losing the popular vote to Hillary Clinton.

The nation is divided now with large population centers on both coasts supporting the Democratic Party and being opposed to Donald Trump. Americans in the more rural parts of the country aligned with the new President and Republicans.

Republican representatives earned support from citizens at the state and local government level throughout the nation.

After Election 2016

The Trump administration is only weeks old. The cabinet posts by Donald Trump include a profile of very wealthy persons who are radically right-wing in their ideologies. They are aligned with the President. Many cabinet nominees have no experience in managing large bureaucratic organizations. Some are sworn by their beliefs to dismantle or cut the organizations for which they are responsible.

President Trump's behavior that was evident throughout his campaign is consistently present and visible now that he is the commander-in-chief. The President is brash and bold to some, or reckless and feckless to others.

The world that includes allies is reacting negatively to the President's actions and executive orders, especially on immigration and foreign policy. The technology sector executives are registering opposition, and the President is combative with industry in general while lobbying for more American jobs. The conflicts in positions are his way to negotiate, he says.

The President's personal legal problems are mounting behind the scenes. He will be facing sexual assault and harassment charges. He has yet to release his IRS filings, and there are reasons to believe that there are problems in there. He is facing an emolument Constitutional case for which the outcome could result in his impeachment.

His executive orders are finding little support in the legal foundation as they will be tested in the court. Some findings have already been made against them. Therein lies a problem. A president that persists in advancing illegal orders might result in charges of failing to uphold his oath of office.

Meanwhile, the Republican-controlled Congress is attempting to move along with business as usual against protests by the Democratic opposition. The Democratic opposition is rallying peaceful citizen protests that are erupting in large population centers.

How is America to cope? That will be the subject of a series of articles here.

Americans boycott

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