Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Take a Deep Breath

On a late night in America and on an early morning in Singapore, Amercian President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un met face-to-face to change the tone in a hostile relationship.

This attempt at transformation begins on a personal basis between leaders.

For the majority of the populations of the US and North Korea, most don't have a clue about the others.

Americans are divided between those favoring more social and environmental responsibility and those approving capitalism and smaller government.

Americans are conflicted between conservative religious values and freedom from religion.

They are conflicted by those seeking equality among all including gender, race, and beliefs versus those harboring bigotry and propensity to discriminate.

North Koreans live in a controlled dictatorship, by an authoritarian regime that was created under the influence of Communist Chinese and Soviets that made them proxies in a war with the United States.

North Koreans were indoctrinated to fight against their fellow Koreans in the South while becoming a nation-state isolated and dependent upon the Chinese for survival.

Fascinating is that the authoritarian system was able to develop into a considerable military force that resulted in a stalemate for more than fifty years with a truce, but no armistice.

An authoritarian regime, backed by another authoritarian regime is able to concentrate resources to develop nuclear weapons at an extreme human cost.

Americans have elected a leader whose personal character is grossly flawed for which citizens have every right to be concerned about trust and honesty from the incumbent regime.

An American bully president advances foreign policy, economic and military policy that out lies the democratic institutions and processes intended to check the abuse of executive power.

An American Congress became complicit with the authoritarian leader who is more comfortable dealing with dictators than with traditional allies.

Political parties in America are failing to produce superior qualified candidates for elected office because there are no standards for their performance and no standards governing the evaluation of candidates.

While the Republic of North Korea appears to be advancing toward a less hostile relationship with its neighbors and enemies, the American republic appears to be eroding in its Constitutional values and the rule of law.

Nation-states and their citizen populations will endure far longer than the leaders at a moment in history.

Sigh, at the prospect of denuclearization and know that the way ahead will be fraught with details and challenges that will test the leaders and the entire systems of governance on which they are founded.

North Koreans may be awakened by the prospect of progress made by their leaders and government engaging the world community.

Americans should be worried by the prospect that their leaders have eroded the democratic republic and are increasingly untrustworthy in the global community.

Human rights are lost in this discussion because the American leader didn't want to address the topic. Yet, human rights and economic sustainability are the primary considerations and the details that are the way forward.

Read: How to Select an American President by James A. George and James A. Rodger (c) 2017 Archway Publishing

Read: Regenerating America with Sustainable Economics by James A. George and James A. Rodger (c) 2017 Archway Publishing

Citizen education is the way forward.

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