Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Pence 'happy to defend [Trump]'

In the debate, Mike Pence was polished. However, his product that is the GOP presidential nominee is grossly flawed. Being "happy" with a bigot and a candidate who conflicts on American values will sink any prospect of his future as a presidential candidate.

One cannot have it both ways. Either acknowledge and defend Trump's words or don't. Pence tried to have it his way by making up things that he wished Trump had said while ignoring what he did say.

In fact, the Republican Party is struggling with the problem of having a flawed candidate that is counter to the values and approach of many party members.

Trump stands with the "deplorables" in his party, but not all Republicans are deplorable. This analyst will stand by that label when defined as follows:

  • Candidates who campaign on a platform of hate are deplorable.
  • Candidates who treat women unequally, and worse, abuse them are deplorable.
  • Candidates who praise dictators like Vladimir Putin are deplorable.
  • Candidates who don't come clean with their tax filings and who evade paying taxes are deplorable.
  • Candidates who exploit bigotry are deplorable.
  • People who follow candidates like that and who try to defend them are deplorable.

Image from thepolitcalinsider

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