Sunday, November 5, 2017

America Gets it Right in the Rearview

This morning poll results show that President Trump's approval rating has sunk to the lowest in history. Most Americans are adjusting their assessment that matches both his performance and behavior.

Being stuck with a lousy president has enormous consequences. It increases risks and undermines democratic reform. Looking over your shoulder into the last election cycle and ask what happened?

Both major political parties defrauded American voters. The Republican and Democratic Parties failed to vet, verify, and validate their candidates. The candidates bearing their brand were dangerously flawed, both Trump and Clinton. Americans deserve better than having two poor choices.

However, citizen-voters bear part of the responsibility because they have no standards for selecting and electing Presidential and Congressional representatives.

I address the problem and offer a solution in my book, How to Select an American President.

Actions needed to correct the problem begin with your reading the book, discussing and debating it. It requires a majority of Americans in the middle class to adopt the principles and standards for reform.

Please read my blog. Share it with friends. Follow me, and I will take the fight to Congress. I am not asking you for a contribution. Just read my book.

Here is where to order: Soft or Hardcopy:

The Washington Post

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