Thursday, September 1, 2016

Why Hillary is struggling in 'deep blue' ?

The news is that Trump is closing the gap in Wisconsin. Why is this happening? There are several reasons:

1. The Democratic Party ground team in Wisconsin is not doing its job, and that includes the youth around Madison who need to fan out throughout the state with support from party leadership including Hillary.

2. The Democratic Party needs to provide more substance than just empathy for working people in need of jobs and upward mobile opportunity.

3. Hillary Clinton needs to provide tailored solutions to citizens that are hard hit by an economy that has failed them. She needs to advocate sustainable economic engineering in places like Wisconsin with Federal policies that support State economic development.

Citizens are enamored by strong sympathy expressed by Trump, and by Trump's pointing to "foreigners' as the reason for their lack of progress. Of course, Trump is conflicted by his party's policies that favor corporations and their actions that have outsourced jobs.

Trump suggests the need to force a China policy that will be fairer to American workers. He also suggested a trading partnership with Mexico that will do the same. The trouble with the latter is that taking back more jobs from Mexico exacerbates the problems there.  Pushing China around or punishing them might lead to higher cost of goods for struggling Americans. Trump's policy ideas don't compute.

The best thing that Trump has done is to have shifted the conversation to real issues. Now, Hillary must compete and win. Both are vying for the hearts and minds of American voters.

The Wall Street Journal

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