Sunday, June 25, 2017

Sustainable Economics is the Way Ahead

Dr. James Rodger and I have a new book at the publisher now, and the subject is sustainable economics. We are not releasing the title just yet as our editor has to work us over first if you know what I mean?

For our fellow citizens to advance beyond the present government calamity that is slowly revealing before us, we must take action.

1. The first action is to improve how we select and elect our representatives in government. We published How to Select an American President (c) 2017 Archway Publishing that has lessons about how to choose better candidates for all elected offices. I followed up with articles about How to Select Members of Congress, for the House and Senate. The references are all here for you to explore.

2. A second action is to read the platforms of both political parties. There are many problems with political platforms, yet it is imperative that you know what they say (read both). I have helped citizens by writing about them in the past, and perhaps I will devote an entire book to that subject in the future as it is on my to-do list.

3. The third is to understand that the American Political System is under assault by external threats, and from internal threats. The external threats include active intrusion by Russian and Chinese hackers as well as from terrorists. The foreign entities have crossed the line and may have successfully compromised the Republican Party including Donald Trump and members of the US Congress. As the facts and truth unfold, Americans are implored to clean up their political parties and demand improvement in how they operate.

4. The fourth and most important subject is sustainable economics. The reasons include these as described. The present economic course for America is unsustainable. Capitalism is unsustainable as it is. A new economic model must be developed to ensure economic security. Without it, the nation will become politically and economically unviable.

Exacerbated by political corruption and extreme conflicts of interest exemplified by the Trump regime and Congress, America teeters on the brink of political and economic upheaval.

The good news if American citizen-voters take action, the pursuit of sustainable economics can catalyze the nation into a positive direction with the outcome being a good life for all in the absence of poverty. That is the required outcome that the present politicians don't get.

I believe in you.

1 comment:

  1. Jelani Cobb on an Uneasy America
    We live in a contradictory moment. A little more than eight years ago, the election of the first American-American President coincided with a period of renewed racial unrest. Last year saw the election of a new President, who started his campaign by questioning the very legitimacy of his predecessor. How do we begin to make sense of such events? Jelani Cobb’s pieces for The New Yorker provide a vital guide. Cobb has been a professor of African-American history, and he combines a historian’s sense of context with a reporter’s eye for detail, and his own life experiences, to explore issues of race, class, and equality, and to find the universal elements of each story he approaches.
    In “Class Notes,” Cobb laments the closure, after more than a century, of his alma mater, Jamaica High School. Once the largest high school in the country, and long a symbol of academic excellence, the school became a victim of the education wars, and Cobb chronicles the toll that the loss of a vital public institution takes on an inner-city community. In “The Matter of Black Lives,” Cobb describes the birth of a new kind of movement, and why it chose to oppose the models of the civil-rights movement. In “Prodigy of Hate,” Cobb attends the trial of Dylann Roof, for the murders at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church, in Charleston, and examines the many moral complications that the court case posed for the city. Then there are three shorter pieces: in “Taking It to the Streets,” he correctly predicts the resistance that would meet the incoming Trump Administration; in “Barack X,” he analyzes President Obama as a role model for black youth; and in “A State Away” he warns of the possibility of state legislatures calling for a constitutional convention and literally taking the law of the land into their own hands. We hope that you find these pieces as illuminating as we do.

    The New Yorker
