America's travesty continues to unfold before the world as the once great democracy trembles before an unfit authoritarian President whose legitimacy is in question for many reasons including:
1. Donald Trump repeatedly lies about nearly every matter of importance, and those lies are a felony by a government official.
(You can't excuse it or parse it, as Republican leaders try to do. His lies are substantive and undermine the credibility of our government.)
2. Donald Trump and his campaign have conspired to collude with Russians to subvert the free election process by inviting and encouraging "fake news" that is insurgent propaganda.
(There is sufficient circumstantial evidence that most knowledgeable and aware citizens can conclude Trump is unfit.)
3. Donald Trump and his go-along Congress appointed a host of corrupt individuals to the executive branch where many have been forced to resign.
4. Donald Trump's treatment of women before and after his being a candidate and President is misogynistic and inappropriate. His attempts to cover-up his misbehavior engaged illegal actions by his attorney for which the President encourages coverup and attempts obstruction of justice by bullying investigators.
Herein is a call on members of Congress, Democrats and courageous Republicans to impeach Donald Trump because his behavior and actions are unstable and unacceptable to serve as President.
From the GOP!
I encourage all of my friends to share this blog post and urgent message. Direct your congressional representatives to impeach Donald Trump.