Monday, August 20, 2018

America’s Failed Economic Model

James A. George
August 20, 2018

America’s Failed Economic Model
The greedy “takers” are happy, but workers are not.

A feature article in The New Yorker, “Ten Years After the Crash,” by George Packer discusses the precarious state of the US Economy. Trump and Republicans would have you believe that the economy is hunky dory. The infused the economy with tax cuts for the wealthy and short-changed the future generations. Otherwise, they are takers not makers.

Elected officials in both parties are not addressing the central issues about the present and future for the American economy in the context of world competition. I wrote in detail about the necessity for “Regenerating the American Economy with Sustainable Economics,” in my book with the same name. I demonstrated what economist John Ikerd concluded that capitalism as we know it is unsustainable. An alternative is needed.

Dr. Ikerd believes that capitalism may be regulated into sustainability. I am not so sure. I advocate what I call the Optimized Sustainment Model that is tailored to each nation state based on available resources and population size and demographics. I suggest that every local and state economy needs to address the engineering of an economy that is best suited to its particular characteristics.

That means that citizens in their communities can and should be engaged in the process of shaping their future. The approach extrapolates upward to each layer of governance. Economics need not be “too hard” to understand and my book illustrates that. Please read it and ask me questions. I will answer every reader’s questions personally.

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