Friday, September 28, 2018

Ugly President, Ugly Appointments, Ugly Process

A proven misogynist is the President of the United States. He is also a bigot who tramples the rule of law and undermines the democratic republic by his actions. He is unfit.

The consequences of an unfit President are unfit appointments. In the instance of Judge Kavanaugh, he and the President refused an FBI investigation into Mark Judge, the other man accused of participating in the attempted rape of Dr. Ford. Their refusal is obstructing the facts however they may be.

In the ugly process in which Republicans have from the beginning sought to ram through their pick, Judge Kavanaugh introduced his political belief that "the Clintons" and Democrats were out to get him. There is no evidence of that. In fact, had Kavanaugh not made that statement, he would have demonstrated better temperament. He did not.

The fact is, Kavanaugh and President Trump are looking much like white male abusers of women. Compounding the unfitness of Trump would be the Senate's confirming the Kavanaugh appointment.

Even if they do, there is nothing stopping Montgomery County, Maryland from continuing the investigation into a possible rape case including Brett Kavanaugh and Mark Judge. If investigators and subsequent prosecutors discover that Kavanaugh has lied in his confirmation process, he can be removed from the bench.

The Kavanaugh appointment, should it happen, is not a clean one. He might bring his soiled robe to the US Supreme Court.

The Mid-Term Elections are important to preserve democracy and justice in the US. That requires a change of regime and removing Republicans from office.

Of the same mold.

1 comment:

  1. Sen. Flake requested an FBO investigation to be completed within a week to determine the merit and truthfulness of additional witnesses. He is withholding his vote until the FBI reports.
