Wednesday, October 24, 2018

The Human Caravan Problem, Part 2

Note: President Donald Trump and the Republican-led Congress have failed to address the immigration problems confronting the US today.

Immigration Problem Definition:

Limited Capacity to Assist

The nation has a limited capacity to attend to the needs of people who are at or below the poverty level. It has limited resources to assist citizen families in improving their means to develop and raise their standard of living to that which is sustainable by them. Today, many citizens are at and below poverty with children not being served by the national, state, and local governments.

Add to citizens not being served is a population of immigrants, most of which are fleeing for their lives and seek asylum that is their human right.

Many immigrants possess the potential for adding value to the Nation. The question is, how much capacity is there in the American system to address both populations who are in need: 1) impoverished citizens and 2) immigrants?

Policy Proposals

America is failing when any of its citizens are living at or below poverty. It should be against the law for citizens to be living in poverty, and for families with children not to have the help they need to escape impoverishment and to become self-sustainable. Agree or Disagree?

Legislated programs at all levels of government that address citizen-families in need require complex professional support systems that with staffing, budget, and funding. The upside is that by making most Americans self-sufficient also makes America more competitive and improves the quality of life for everyone.

Can the Nation afford that? The answer is that to be a viable Nation worthy of citizen approval, it must. The primary role of nation-state government is to optimize the return on national resources that include its citizens as a primary resource and beneficiary.

Add to that consideration for how many additional people the Nation needs and can afford to support regarding numbers and demographic conditions.

The Legacy Problems

1. The legacy of illegal immigrants and their American-born children

Past Administrations and the US Congress failed to address the accruing problem created by illegal immigration. The problem happened over many years, and the problem increased into tens of millions of unlawful adults who now have "legal" children.

The present Republican-controlled Congress failed to address the problem even when bipartisan legislation was available for action. With more immigrants headed to the border, the problem is getting worse.

The administration's stop-gap actions are cruel and inhumane actions conflict with the Nation's Constitutional values.

2. Deficient US population management strategy and policies

3. US Foreign Policy toward South American Nations considering each nation individually

The immediate crisis from the onslaught of desperate people fleeing danger and persecution in search of freedom in America

For each of the four considerations listed above, there are associated mechanisms for addressing them that include the following elements:

1. Laws and regulations
2. Concept of Operations
3. Operational Support Systems

Associated with these are the following:

1. Government organizations
2. Staffing
3. Budget and funding

Repeated from before, the questions before President Trump and his Republican-led Congress are details about everything listed above. The same issues apply to Democrat counterparts.

Inappropriate is wasting time on the campaign trail, stimulating rage and exploiting ignorance and fear without having addressed the problems. The Trump government is failing, and the issues are getting worse.

My challenge is to political leaders is to address the problems and needs professionally and not with political rants and nationalist rage that is more akin to authoritarianism that it is with a pluralistic democracy.

Please continue to read more parts to this story. Ask questions of me, and I will answer them.

Humanity in Crisis

1 comment:

  1. "Caravan furor stokes wall fight
    President Trump and Republicans have made illegal immigration a central issue in the homestretch to the 2018 midterm elections, setting up a showdown over the U.S.-Mexico border in December.

    Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) forestalled a fight over Trump’s border wall before the election by punting consideration of the Homeland Security appropriations bill until the lame-duck session.

    When lawmakers return, they won’t be able to avoid a fight over the spending measure, as funds for the Department of Homeland Security will run out on Dec. 7. But how it plays out could be determined by what happens on Nov. 6."

    The Hill
