Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Unacceptable Obstruction

The facts continue to mount that Donald Trump is a terrible businessman and tax cheat. He has hijacked the federal government with the help of capitalist cronies who are the Republican Party. They duped Americans into electing them, and now Republican Senators are obstructing justice by supporting the Executive branch's refusal to testify and to provide essential information.

Their strategy is to run out the clock. Americans can't let that happen and must demand that Congress accelerate the cases before the court to adjudicate the findings.

Barr, Mueller, Mcgahn and must testify under oath at once. American citizens must demand the end of Mitch McConnell's-led obstruction.

"President Donald Trump is still fighting Congress over the release of his tax returns, but a new report on Tuesday analyzing his official Internal Revenue Service tax transcripts, with the figures from his federal tax forms, shows he lost over $1 billion from 1985 to 1994.
Interested in Donald Trump?
The documents show Trump's businesses lost $1.17 billion over the 10 years, including $46.1 million in 1985 and hundreds of millions by the time of his much-publicized early-1990s financial collapse, according to a report in The New York Times, which acquired the tax documents.
The president has often portrayed himself as having a "golden touch" in all businesses during the 1980s, before fighting back from serious financial debt -- due to struggles with his casino business -- in the 1990s. His infamous book, "The Art of the Deal," was released in 1987, right in the middle of the years covered in the tax documents."

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