Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Warren is a Winner

Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders did not attack one another last night. Their policies are aligned. Both advocate structural change in healthcare that will eliminate private insurance with a single-payer government option like Medicare for all.

Paying for that requires amortizing the total cost of healthcare across the US population. Both candidates argue that by eliminating profit-taking by insurance companies, that reduces healthcare costs by the amount of profit. True.

There is still a healthcare administrative cost, even if that is done or outsourced by the government.

The question is, will the adjusted total cost be affordable to all Americans? The answer is, yes, if the total price is apportioned according to income.

In the end, there is no reason why the US system cannot be like the Canadian system that is one-tenth the cost of the US.

Warren embraces decriminalizing illegal immigration. Asylum seekers are not breaking the law by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. She says that the answer to Central American migration is to organize a foreign policy initiative engaging South American governments to improve economic conditions. That is an idea I fully support.

There is no creeping socialism in these messages. There is government addressing economic, social, and environmental responsibility.

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