Monday, August 5, 2019

Impeach Trump and McConnell

Impeachment is long overdue. It takes a long time for the American public to comprehend how President Trump and the Republican Party have defrauded them.

A Republican party that represents only the top 1-5% of the nation economically doesn't have the votes to win elections.

How did they get to 45% and enough electoral votes to secure the office and to control Congress?

Their strategy is to appeal to vulnerable groups.

1. Appeal to Christians and evangelicals
1.1 Use abortion as an emotional issue to attract a following
1.2 Pretend to align with conservative faithful some of which their leaders have conned their flock and blurred the lines between politics and religion

2. Appeal to gun owners in rural areas
2.1 Portray government the enemy and a threat to their freedom
2.2 Promise they will get their old jobs back in the fossil fuel industry and steel production

3. Appeal to rural towns and villages that are isolated and where the population is unenlightened and ignorant
3.1 CItizens in segregated areas fail to realize the benefits of diversification
3.2 Segregated communities are a breeding ground for bigotry and discrimination
3.3 These characteristics are exploited by irresponsible Republicans who need a broader constituency

4. Portray capitalism and free markets as the best economic model
4.1 Doing so protects the wealthy
4.2 Make taxation and government the enemy
4.3 Con the middle class and deplorable into believing their policies benefit them the most

5. Portray the free-press as the enemy
5.1 Pretend that only the GOP and President tell the truth
5.2 Deny and deflect all criticism
5.3 Invent the idea of "fake news" and attribute it to the mainstream media while they embrace the invention infiltrated by Russians and other enemies

The fact is, the corrupt Trump regime has inflicted tremendous damage to the US Democratic Republic. They have done so through executive actions and judicial appointments.

The first act of patriotic Americans is to impeach leaders who have betrayed their oaths of office. The second act is to prosecute them.

Most important is to vote for new representatives.

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