Monday, July 13, 2020

When Voters Sanctify Corruption

The American democratic republic fell to an insurgency of corrupt right-wing extremists led by Donald Trump and his disciples. Consider this analysis.

Since the post-WWII, the Republican Party represents corporate America and wealthy individuals. That is, "10 percent of the richest people in the United States own almost 70 percent of the country's total wealth."

On average, 35 percent of Americans identify as Republicans. With those numbers, it would be not easy for Republicans to win the Presidency.

"Generally, Democrats live closer to a coast than not; tend to have more women in their groups than Republicans; are much more likely to be gay or lesbian; have more of an attachment to organized labor; are slightly younger than Republicans; and are increasingly less religious." 

Economic Demographics of Democrats & Liberals – Politics ....

Democrats should have a numerical advantage over Republicans. For that reason, Republicans (most recently under Trump) elected a strategy to attract poor and middle class voters by the following actions:

  1. Appeal to religious evangelicals because liberals tend to be less religious
  2. Appeal to ignorance by invoking fear among white people of anyone of color or different national origin
  3. Appeal to anti-abortionists
  4. Promise jobs from a trickle-down economy

The economic promises are hard to keep, but waving the flag and promoting fear and bigotry is much easier.

Add to this a president who is historically corrupt in business, and who is a sociopathic gangster, and that completes the ingredients for the present-day Republicanism that is Trumpism.

When I use the word, gangster, to describe Donald Trump, I am not the first. Michael Bloomberg used the term along with "dangerous demagogue."

"a political leader who seeks support by appealing to the desires and prejudices of ordinary people rather than by using rational argument."

Do these traits characterize a leader you recognize ....

Trump was impeached by the US House of Representatives, though exonerated by the Republican-led Senate. The Mueller investigation was inconclusive because Trump stonewalled the investigation with corrupt abuse of power and obstruction of justice. Trump cheated while the government tried playing fairly.

Trump's abuse of the rule of law and justice undermined the government, and that is where we stand.

Voters allegedly sanctified the Trump presidency, though we know there was Russian interference, and there remain unresolved allegations of cheating and corruption.

What comes next? If Trump and Republicans are defeated in the next election, will Trump and his disciples walk away?

Surely, Trump and his family members will face prosecution for crimes committed in the State of New York and possibly elsewhere.

The Trump organization and Trump financial records and IRS filings are now under scuitany. If crimes were committed before and during the Trump presidency, he will face prosecution when he leaves office. What if his actions while president are proven to be corrupt or illegal? Can anything be undone that he did that continues to bring harm to the nation?

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