Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Impeaching the Republican Senate

I have been unusually quiet, watching the second Donald Trump Impeachment Trial where I am riveted and emotionally distraught over the former President's ghastly betrayal of his Oath. Seething inside is knowing that his disciples are sitting in the Senate where they were also victims as was Vice President Pence. This disgusting circumstance underscores the necessity for several actions:

  1. Democrats and President Biden must continue with a laser focus on righting the economy and solving the pandemic crisis.

  2. The Impeachment Managers must complete their argument for all Americans to see from which it will become apparent that many members of the House and Senate are complicit in the insurrection travesty.

  3. Prosecutors in States must pick up the baton and prosecute Trump and his disciples as they can in State Court jurisdictions.

  4. The US Department of Justice and FBI must continue to investigate legitimate charges stemming from investigations into sedition and insurrection including Trump and members of his administration as well as members of Congress.

  5. The American people must continue to increase their vigilance over latent enemies in their districts and communities.

  6. The American people must improve security among local police.

My conclusion, before the trial is complete, is that the American government is infiltrated by a political insurgency that is not Republican or Democrat. It is a brand of terrorism for which some call themselves Republicans.

Vulnerable Republicans, Image: The New York Times

1 comment:

  1. Criminal prosecution must follow the Impeachment, no matter what the outcome.
