Monday, October 11, 2021

Dear President Biden:

Dear President Biden:

There was a moment when President Lyndon Johnson made a courageous decision which was not to seek reelection. That did not prevent him from doing a stellar job during his incumbency, and he fought hard to advance his agenda and policies that most Americans believed.

As a Democrat, I believe in the progressive agenda, and I also think it imperative that Democrats maintain control of both chambers of Congress. The news and data show that it is unlikely to succeed under the party leadership today.

I wrote a blog yesterday calling for the firing of the top DNC leadership and asking you to announce that you will not seek reelection. I have good reasons for that, described in detail in my book, How to Select an American President. I published the book well in advance of the last election cycle and asked Democratic leaders to read it and share it. My request included Cory Booker and Senator Sherrod Brown from my home state of Ohio, and they did not honor the appeal of this life-long Democrat.

I wanted you to be the nominee instead of Hillary Clinton for the excellent reasons described in my book. That is past, and the future must be led by candidates and representatives committed to winning with a perfect strategy.

I implore you to buck up and lead with the strength of LBJ. I was hoping you could apply your skills to bring America together, focussing on the merit of what we need as included in advancing legislation. 

There is no reason that the Democratic party should be faltering in the wake of Republicans who damaged our republic.

I want Governor Gretchen Whitmer and Senator Tammy Duckworth to lead the party right now. I want superior winning candidates advanced immediately for all open seats. Read my book and apply it to the process.

I am angry and frustrated and have no patience for fooling around.


James A. George

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