Saturday, March 5, 2022

How to Disarm an Authoritarian Dictator

Authoritarian dictators appear from time to time, though now, the stakes are higher than ever for all humanity because many are armed with weapons of mass destruction.

Dictators rest atop various forms of society.

  1. They may preside over a constitutionally-driven nation where the rules of law subordinate individualism, or they can govern in a constitutionally elected state where individualism is highly valued.
  2. Dictators may appear as a product of counterrevolutionary forces. (a revolution opposing a former one or reversing its results.)
  3. Fascism is a form of far-right, authoritarian ultranationalism characterized by dictatorial power. It includes forcible suppression of opposition and strong regimentation of society and the economy.

In all instances, the dictator has managed to coerce the population and governance to achieve absolute and unchallenged power. Dictators are unseated when the subjugated population rises against them at their peril. 

In the free world versus Putin's Russia, economic sanctions constrain them. The alternative is military force, though that is impossible because Russia is nuclear-armed.

Time is not on the side of a dictator. A dictatorial regime, aka a Rogue state, can endure replacing one dictator with a like-kind.

When the force of the free world is united, pressure mounts against dictatorial regimes, though toppling them may take many years.

In today's advanced societies, my bet is the tenure for dictators will be increasingly shorter because the subjugated populations learn more about what is happening beyond their repressed condition.

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