Saturday, January 21, 2023

Dear Republicans,

 Dear Republicans,

I am writing to ask why you are pursuing actions that are causing the stock market and my investment portfolio to lose lots of value while you are also trying to cut my Social Security and Medicare Benefits, both of which I earned?

Do you not understand that people like me can't afford your irresponsible behavior?

We agree, "The most dangerous domestic problem facing America's federal government is the rapid growth of its budget deficit and national debt." (Economist Martin Feldstein warns about excessive government debt in the Wall Street Journal)

The government either has to impose higher taxes or reduce future spending to avoid economic distress. 

Raising taxes on the middle class and poor slows economic growth, which is too unfair, especially when the tax rate and rules favor the wealthy and corporations to an extreme. You, Republicans, disagree and resist taxing the rich at a higher rate.

Slowing the rate of government spending is prudent and necessary.

Spending Categories

19 % Social Security

15 % Health

14 % Income Security

12 % National Defense.

12 % Medicare

11 % Education, Training, Employment, and Social Services.

8 % Net Interest

4 % Veterans Benefits and Services

Only one of the above categories can be reduced by a limited amount: National Defense.

Raising taxes on the rich is part of the answer.

There is another target, and that is Homeland Security. It is a new invention I helped address when I authored The Management Approach to Securing America. I proposed a radically different course than what the administration under Tom Ridge decided. My approach would have produced results at one-third the size and cost. Homeland Security is bloated.

"How much does the federal government spend on homeland security?

Each year federal agencies receive funding from Congress, known as budgetary resources. Agencies spend available budgetary resources by making financial promises called obligations. In FY 2023, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) had $97.00 Billion distributed among its 17 sub-components.

I would cut that by two-thirds, saving $31 billion in annual expenses.


James A. George

PS: I will donate my time to an initiative to save us money.

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