Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Alarms are Sounding, Loud and Stong

Every day, the Trump news bears more warnings and alarms about the prospect of his being president again. Many Republicans are beginning to express concern and appear to be standing back from the Trump candidacy. Many voters indicate they won't vote for him.

I know John Bolton from my days working as a National Defense Consultant.

"Trump's former national security adviser says world leaders think he's a 'laughing fool.' Former Trump national security adviser John Bolton tells CNN's Kaitlan Collins how dictators around the world view former president Donald Trump and what a second term would mean for the US."

Many Americans believe Mike Johnson, Speaker of the House, is a laughing fool, along with a host of his Republican colleagues. One can only hope that the light bulbs go on in the heads of 20% of the sitting members of the House and all of the Republicans in the Senate and stop listening and marching to Trump's ignorant beat. He is robbing donors to pay legal bills and bilking the campaign as a source of income. It is not about America; it is about him.

The Hill, Image

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