James George
American Government
21 February 2025
Deep Heroes
Call for Courage
This blog post addresses an answer to my questions about what we can do to counter the authoritarian Trump regime. After a month in office, it is apparent that Trump and his side-kick, Musk, are waging an ideological war that benefits billionaires at the expense of most citizens and undermining the American democratic republic.
Having spent thirty years consulting and working with government departments in process improvement and logistics, I am keenly aware of what it takes to reengineer government systems and do so in concert with Congress and the Executive branch. Evidence of my experience is in several books:
Smart Data, Enterprise Performance Optimization Strategy
How to Select an American President
Regenerating America with Sustainable Economics
Standards for American Political Parties
I beg for readers so we can have meaningful discussions to guide our elected officials. While the Trump-Republican-led Congress embarks on an economically irresponsible, socially irresponsible, and environmentally irresponsible path, the only mechanisms available are court appeals aimed to stop illegal actions by this administration. Congressional Republicans have surrendered their sworn oaths and Constitutional duties. Trump has declared war on the Constitution and the rule of law with a life-long pattern of evidence. He corrupted the court with biased appointments, weakening the path of justice. He wants to be a king more than a President.
Trump’s attack on military leaders and loyal public servants changed the rules. When a President no longer upholds his oath, all bets are off. Military leaders are sworn to protect the nation. When their commander-in-chief disavows the Constitution and operates illegally, the chain of command is broken. When military leaders cannot trust the President, that is the circumstance that leads to military-led coups to counter corruption.
This morning, I saw and heard Senator Tom Tillis from North Carolina pushback on Trump’s embracing Putin and his lies. I know Tom Tillis as he was a Senior Partner at Pricewaterhouse Coopers when I worked there. I know him to be a patriot and one who knows right from wrong. There are other Republicans in the Senate, like Tom.
Another “Tom” is Senator Cotton from Arkansas. He was a Captain in the Army, a Bronze Star, and a Harvard-trained lawyer. He knows that Trump’s actions are illegal and his foreign policy is compromised and corrupted by Putin. He must step forward.
It is too late for Lindsey Graham, Senator for South Carolina. Why? It is because he waffled and compromised his ethics and oath too many times for personal gain. He is superficial and needs to go the way into oblivion like Mitch McConnell.
Lisa Murkowski, Alaska, might make the short list of Republican deep heroes, but not Susan Collins. Collins is unreliable and indefensible.
Obviously, Adam Kinzinger and Liz Cheney are viable leaders who are no longer in office.
There are deep heroes among the Democrats, although they are apparent in leadership positions.
Please Read:
Smart Data, Enterprise Performance Optimization Strategy
How to Select an American President
Regenerating America with Sustainable Economics
Standards for American Political Parties