Monday, September 25, 2017

Loyalty, allegiance, patriotism

How many Americans realize how precarious is their state of the union?

Do they believe that Donald Trump and his administration and the Republican Congress are managing with competence to protect citizens’ interests?

Are they concerned about the nation’s fiscal condition?

“The crumbling U.S. economy is putting an extraordinary amount of financial stress on American families.  For many Americans, "flat broke" has become a permanent condition.
 Today, over half of all American families live paycheck to paycheck.  Unemployment is rampant and those that do actually have jobs are finding that their wages are rising much more slowly than prices are.”

Are they concerned about the propensity of President Trump for recklessness that increases the probability of war?

“The president’s inflammatory and occasionally incoherent address, moreover, was a grab-bag of half-truths and reckless accusations, red meat tossed to the ravenous crowd who filled the convention center. During 90 minutes:
  • Mr. Trump misrepresented his actions in the immediate aftermath of the tragic events in Charlottesville, omitting that he had expressed a moral equivalence between the neo-Nazi demonstrators and their counterparts.
  • Mr. Trump accused the national media of deliberate dishonesty in reporting his statements regarding Charlottesville, which were covered in their totality across media platforms.
  • Mr. Trump undermined the rule of law by boasting that he will pardon the convicted criminal Joe Arpaio, not as an act of merciful justice, but to celebrate Mr. Arpaio’s flouting of court orders and immigration laws during his tenure as sheriff in Phoenix.
  • Mr. Trump repeatedly used racial and ethnic coding to accuse the media and the establishment of trying to rob “us” of our “history and our heritage.”
  • Mr. Trump claimed against ample objective evidence to the contrary that he has so far managed the most successful presidency in history.”
Are these concerns just things that intellects and journalists invent, or are they something people should be concerned with and addressing their elected officials with rigor?

The headline is about loyalty, allegiance, and patriotism. If you believe that your government has become tyrannical and is betraying you, then how do you address “loyalty.”

Being loyal to our nation and the rule of law is a necessity, not an option. Citizens demonstrate that by serving their community and nation and by obeying laws and regulations.

What if the President and Members of Congress fail to uphold their oath of office? What if they become tyrannical?

Tyranny is when the President and Congress exercise power in a cruel or arbitrary way. Citizens are witnessing this on a recurring basis with Donald Trump. His actions are unchecked by members of his party in Congress, to the extent that some believe they are obstructing justice.

Loyal and allegiant citizens resist tyranny and revolt against oppression. Those are patriotic actions. Pushing back against evil and un-American activities is patriotic.

Going along is not.

Tyrannical Trump

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