Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Straight Talk About Trump

Whether you are right, left, or in the middle of the American political spectrum, at this point in the Trump President experience, there is sufficient evidence by the President's actions and words to question his fitness for office, his loyalty, and allegiance to the Constitution and democracy.

What proof and evidence supports that statement?

1. Many of the members of the Trump Campaign are indicted or convicted of crimes, with all having lied to the authorities.

2. Many of the members have demonstrated conflicts of interest that include dealings with foreign governments having received payments and working as their agents and without having registered as foreign agents.

The people involved are the President's closest advisors and confidants.

3. His personal attorney is convicted of felonies including having lied about payments to women to silence their testimony from having been paid to keep quiet. The attorney lied and covered up his actions and so did his client, Donald Trump.

4. We know that Roger Stone, Gates, and Corsi engaged in activities to steal information from the Democratic Party mail accounts and did so in concert with Wikileaks. The President blurted encouragement to Russians who are known to have been engaged in interfering with the American 2016 Elections.

5. We know that Trump was involved in business dealings with the Russians and Saudis that constitute Emolument Clause violations based on information that is on the surface and is likely to be confirmed by the Special Prosecutor's report.

6. It is suspected that Donald Trump could be a Russian agent, motivated by personal gain and compromising his oath and US allegiance. If proven, that would be treason.

Of course, the rule of law is being followed to deliberately prove the allegations and to ultimately confront the President by Congress through impeachment and subsequently in the court through the prosecution of alleged crimes.

The trouble is, all that takes considerable time while the chaotic and irresponsible and reckless President endangers Americans through his abuse of power while in office.

Who is responsible for allowing this charade to continue?

The Democratic-controlled House of Representatives is now engaged in oversight and investigations having taken over from delinquent Republican leadership. An important question is what is their liability for having failed to investigate if the evidence demonstrates the President is guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors?

The Republican-controlled Senate remains conflicted in its duty. The root of the problem is the Republican Party that participates as an accessory to the obstruction of justice.

The main question is what liability does the Republican Party have for failing to vet its candidates and incumbents? When the facts are known and the cases are prosecuted, will the Republican Party face decertification? What is the liability for all concerned who threatened Democracy in America?

Image from Axios

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