Saturday, May 16, 2020

Stark Reality

Given the circumstances of the virus-induced economic calamity, what do common sense, historical knowledge, financial facts, and careful analysis tell us?

Before the global viral outbreak, born in China, the US economy was shrinking. Add to that the debt and deficit were increasing. The US Federal Government faced a revenue shortfall.

Advocates of the wealthiest Americans, corporations and their political action committees claimed that the large and overreaching government is to blame.

Advocates for the poor and middle-class Americans argue for more revenue and regulations that ensure a balance of economic, social, and environmental responsibilities.

The size of the government in this context is a red herring. Wealthy Americans want to maximize their wealth, know that they don't have the numbers to win elections. Therefore, they must distract and invent false arguments that make the government the enemy, in contrast to being their instrument for social justice and protection.

By the way, the 1918 pandemic was born in Kansas, USA. Blaming is a worthless game in the heat of the battle to combat the disease.

The stark reality is that economic gains from Obama and Trump following the last recession are wiped out. In light of that, America and the world is facing a twenty-year recovery if and when several things happen:

  1. Breakthroughs in therapeutic treatment
  2. A National Health and Safety master plan and program
  3. Activation of the Defense Production Act to address the needs for testing, therapeutic drug production, and personal protection equipment to stockpile for waves of the disease
  4. Creation of Coronavirus Sick Centers in all major metropolitan communities
  5. Eventual vaccine development, production, and nationwide administration

The paradigm for "normal" living is changing rapidly, and the consequences have only begun to take hold. Underestimating the effect, and failing to plan and act to address them, will multiply deaths and hardship. 

Today's news is that President Trump's actions follow the footsteps of Herbert Hoover without having learned the lessons. In November, Americans must act to vote for compassionate leaders and representatives who have the competence and heart to lead us through this calamity. 

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