Wednesday, June 23, 2021

America's Flawed Foundation


America's Flawed Foundation

Let me start by declaring that the U.S. Constitution is a masterful beginning brought forth by wealthy white men who did their bidding at defining freedom, liberty, and justice. But, trapped by character and cultural flaws, those imperfect "Founding Fathers" were noble in purpose.

That said, there are many problems beyond their being male-centric. I published two books that demonstrate, with factual analysis, the history of the American political system and the capitalist economic model. Those books will stand the test of time, and I remind anyone with a tenth-grade education to study them in earnest.

How To Select an American President

Regenerating American with Sustainable Economics

Therein lies not just analysis but proposed ideas for improving the future. For example, one sister-in-law is a retired teacher, a detailed person with an intense interest in American politics. She said she started reading "the president's book" and exclaimed, "There's so much detail." So, becoming knowledgeable about our government and being engaged as citizens in a democracy demands the devotion of time and intellectual development.

The American system operates on a system of averages. When the "average" citizen is empowered equally, the number below will determine the median. All the rest will undermine a handful of intelligent people. That is the case today.

If the Founding Fathers were present now, I would first propose a better representation of the population concerning the nation's demographics. For example, there would be equal representation of women and men and proportional representation of races and sexual orientation.

Given the presence of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, to which the nation is a signatory, I recommend that as a starting point for all considerations to improve the nation's political system.

Since most Americans barely grasp the U.S. Constitution, they are unaware of the thirty articles of the UDHR. Therefore, both would be required reading, study, and mastering as a prerequisite for sustaining citizenship in America.

We demand the new citizens become schooled in our democracy, and they must pass a test. Would most Americans be able to pass that same test today?

The answer: "Most of us would fail the U.S. citizenship test, survey finds
"An embarrassment," says the Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation president, which conducted the survey."

Today, I want to address the notion of "the republic."

"A republic (Latin: res publica, meaning "public affair") is a form of government in which "the people and their elected representatives hold power." 1 In republics, the country is considered a "public matter," not the private concern or property of the rulers. The primary positions of power within a republic are attained through democracy or a mix of democracy with oligarchy or autocracy rather than being unalterably occupied by any given family lineage or group. With modern republicanism, it has become the opposing form of government to a monarchy, and therefore a modern republic has no monarch as head of state.234"

The trouble begins with the creation of states and political districts. American history demonstrates the arbitrariness of their design with uneven criteria and driven mainly by the interests of powerful, wealthy men. On this, the nation founded the republic.

The U.S. Constitution devised a clever way to balance power such that larger states and populations do not overwhelm smaller states and minorities. However, easily undermined is the American political system by corruption that is rampant and unmitigated. When the system is perpetually corrupt, it remains continuously flawed—self-correction, as intended.

Accurate census data and citizen identification are essential. I favor a federal standard for all of that.

The idea that people living in localities should be self-governing is a good idea. Individual responsibility for economic self-sustainment is also a good idea.

It is too late to do over the concept of states. However, it is not too late to make adjustments about political districting that ensures equal representation.

The trouble is the U.S. Congress corrupted by incumbents who have abandoned loyalty to their oaths and the Constitution.

Read more:
The American Republic to 1877, Student Edition
Grade Levels: 8 - 10
Copyright: 2003

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