Friday, July 9, 2021

The Case Against Voter Suppression

I am writing this intending to share it with my elected representatives and with having little hope that it will make a difference. However, the rule of law and a citizen's responsibility is to make a case for what is right under the US Constitution.

If I were prosecuting a case against Republican states and their legislators, who are hell-bent on passing restrictive voting laws that make it harder on voters, I would start here.

First, what is the motivation for passing more restrictive voter laws and regulations?

Answer: Republicans say that they are combatting voter fraud and abuse in the election process. Factually, there is no widespread fraud and abuse, even when states have expended millions of dollars and effort to support their notion. That means their persistence is driven by what? Racism and political unfairness undermine equality.

Second, what can be done in the courts to address Republican voter suppression?

Answer: Court action is essential to argue that Republican motivation is not what they state and that their contrivance and legislation restrict voters unfairly and undermine free elections and democracy. The court must strike them down before the next election cycle, and the cases against them prosecuted at once.

End Voter Suppression

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