Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Quality of Life

The standard for ensuring a good life for all begins with The Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Any nation and its leaders that fail to uphold it fail humanity and the planet. If you or they wish to debate that, bring it on.

Note from the start that Republicans do not support Human Rights. Witness this: 

"A number of House Republicans led by Texas Representative Chip Roy have asked President Joe Biden to keep the U.S. out of the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC). Based in Geneva, the UNHRC is comprised of a coalition of nations that advocate for human rights around the world. Although originally a part of the UNHRC, the U.S. withdrew from the council during the administration of former President Donald Trump. Trump's administration believed the UNHRC was biased against some U.S. allies, including Israel."

As a signatory to "The Universal Declaration," Republicans don't have the option to cop out when allies, including the U.S., violate the principles. They didn't like it when George W. Bush was sought for lying to the world about WMD in Iraq and launching an illegal war that killed millions. The International Court wanted his prosecution, and America stonewalled it. Now, we have Putin violating human rights and committing atrocities that are war crimes, and America faces controversy because we compromised the standards.

The headline is that China supports Putin and the Russians in an illegal assault on sovereignty, freedom, and human rights. It is no secret that China is also a despicable enemy of the free world. They underscored it by backing Putin.

For instance, they do, such as China and Russia, and all the like-kinds globally. 

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights


"Pro-Putin European leaders reassert their power. By Ishaan Tharoor, The Washington Post


The question is, should we Americans say we have had enough of these contradictions? I say it is.

What can we do to change the tide and underscore our commitment to democracy, freedom, and justice?

  1. Don't vote for Republicans. Democrats are far from perfect, though they have their hearts and minds on the correct priorities. Republicans have consistently failed, and I think they should be held accountable.
  2. Make it America. Insist that Congress and the administration promote manufacturing products in America as national security and economic prosperity.
  3. Stop buying Chinese products. No one makes you buy Chinese-made goods. Shop around. Ask retailers to source American-made or Allied-made producers. 
  4. Support the Green Agenda. Insist that the nation quit the petroleum habit. Cold turkey, switch to green-powered vehicles at the first chance.

As Americans, we must increase our education about economics and government. Recognize that the greatest threat to humanity comes from authoritarian-bent leaders: Putin, Xi, and Trump. Stop them.

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