Tuesday, April 26, 2022

The Sad Truth


The Sad Truth

I read today that the Republican Party is backing out of presidential debates managed by the debate commission hosted by The League of Women Voters. Why is that?

The truth of the matter is they are misogynist men, mostly. They are hostile to the free press. They don't like the "media" involved in moderating.

The truth of the matter is they march in the direction of authoritarians. They are ignorant about the consequences of their bigoted and arrogant behavior. Or, they embrace the idea of defrauding American voters who live in isolated communities where their deplorable qualities are exploited.

The truth is that being a good citizen in a democracy demands much more than what most people are willing to commit. By the time they are eighteen, they have garnered most of what they know about the Constitution, Human Rights, and their responsibilities. The premise of the American democratic republic is flawed from the beginning, and there is little hope that it will change.

Call me a cynic: a person who believes that people are motivated purely by self-interest rather than acting for honorable or unselfish reasons.

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