Saturday, June 10, 2023

Ignorance Of The Law Is No Defense

"It is a fundamental legal principle in the U.S. that ignorance of the law is no defense." If accepted as an excuse, anyone charged with a criminal offense could claim ignorance to avoid the consequences. Rules apply to every person within the jurisdiction, whether known or understood.

Ignorance of the Law - Is It a Defense? | Los Angeles Criminal Defense Blog.

When legislators write laws and regulations, they do so with the intention that an average citizen can understand them. 

"Rule of Law 1

The American commitment to the rule of law means that every citizen is governed by the same laws, applied through a fair and equal judicial process to resolve disputes peacefully."

Having had numerous comment exchanges with people with diverse politics, I admit that it is disappointing that discussions with Trump loyalists lack reason and end up being "we agree to disagree." That is a dead end.

I continue to dialogue with a friend who is opposite my politics. We talk about knowing the difference between right and wrong as defined by the rule of law. He alibis for many Republicans who are blind to Trump's alleged and apparent law-breaking. He asks that I give them some leeway. 

I can't do that when the law and law-breaking are clear. It is right or wrong.

Then, they introduce the Biden problem. I have no trouble with the DOJ investigating Hunter Biden. From all I have read, Hunter Biden engaged in activities that present a conflict of interest for his father.

When I worked for PriceWaterhouseCoopers as a consultant to the US Government, I had to declare on a frequent basis that neither I nor my family members engaged in conflicts of interest. I had to swear in writing.

What I see with Hunter Biden is a clear conflict. He also allegedly violated IRS tax filing and gun transport and carrying laws. Those allegations are coming to a head with likely charges soon.

The case of Hunter and Joe being in conflict with Biden's duties has not been proven. There is no comparison between the Trump cases and the Biden allegation, except both will be determined by due process and the law.

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