Saturday, June 3, 2023

What is 'evangelical?'

Evangelical refers to the teaching of the gospel or the Christian religion.

"How do you explain the Christian gospel?

The gospel or good news is a theological concept in several religions. In the historical Roman imperial cult and today in Christianity, the gospel is a message about salvation by a divine figure, a savior, who has brought peace or other benefits to humankind." - Wiki.

How do people who describe themselves as being 'evangelicals' justify embracing the likes of Donald Trump?

"To understand the needs and concerns of all American faith communities, it is important to understand the nation's religious diversity. While 3 in 4 Americans identify with a religious tradition, only 15 percent identify as white evangelicals, according to the 2019 American Values Atlas Survey.1 Yet this small proportion of the population tends to garner a disproportionate share of attention concerning religion in the public discourse on national politics. Their concerns certainly dominate how the Trump administration's impact on faith communities is perceived."

"What of the U.S. is evangelical?

Wheaton College's Institute for the Study of American Evangelicals estimates that about 30 to 35% (90 to 100 million people) of the U.S. population is evangelical. These figures include white and black "cultural evangelicals" (Americans who do not regularly attend church but identify as evangelicals)." 

  1. Lying is not evangelical
  2. Discrimination, hate, and bigotry are not evangelical
  3. Misogyny is not evangelical. 
  4. White supremacy is not evangelical.

So why do so many Republicans embrace Donald Trump? It is not because he is evangelical, and it must be; they aren't either.

Image Credit: The Atlantic

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