Friday, June 28, 2024

Life Goes On

When I suddenly went deaf, the doctor said, writing it down, “You are deaf and there is nothing more I can do. Life goes on.”

Halting my life in tracks—no more work, and I am disabled—nothing I could do—though Johns Hopkins Hospital (Dr. Matt Stewart) gave me a cochlear implant so I could hear again.

When Joe Biden stumbled last night in a debate with Donald Trump, the frail senior statesman had a weak performance against a convicted felon and fraudulent and despicable former President. A nation being without a sound and patriotic leader is like a person discovering deafness. What’s next?

Life goes on. The American Political System that is grossly flawed will self-correct. Ideally, both parties would reject their current candidates for different reasons. They probably won’t, but it is not impossible. 

I don’t think Americans will tolerate an authoritarian regime. There are too many politicians in government who resist and do their jobs under oath.

I didn’t know about cochlear implants when I went deaf. I don’t know what the Democratic Party will do to improve the situation, though I am hopeful.

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