Friday, June 28, 2024

Rescuing the Democratic Candidacy

President Biden’s faltering through the debate with Donald Trump can’t be called a blessing; however, it is more than a wake-up call. Americans have two deficient choices—one poor and the other perilous.


Joe Biden is a frail elder statesman and incumbent whose patriotism is unfettered. Donald Trump is a fraudulent con man and convicted criminal whose defective patriotism is flaunted for all to see. The wake-up call is for both parties.


The trouble with the American Political System is systemic, and the nation needs a government performance audit, examining the need for change and improvement, new amendments, laws, and regulations. I address those topics in:

·      How to Select an American President,

·      Standards for American Political Parties,

·      Regenerating America with Sustainable Economics

·      A Presidents Manifesto


The patient has a sucking chest wound demanding emergency action. There is no time to attend to the vast troubles in our democracy all at once. However, we must save democracy from tyranny, and it requires both parties to address their candidates and their directions.


The free press is doing a good job of helping us stay informed about the situation, while the political parties are not.


1. Is Kamala Harris prepared for the Presidency? Could she win a national election? Would she help the Democrats control Congress?

2. Who are the senior governors of significant states who could become eligible and desirable candidates?

3. Should Joe Biden step down and assist the party in redirecting the candidacy?

Creator: Brian Snyder 
Credit: OSV News photo/Brian Snyder, Reuters
Copyright: Reuters

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