Monday, July 4, 2016

My Input to Hillary Clinton

Sent in the clear via social media:

Dear Mrs. Clinton:

I learned today from The Hill that you are "struggling" with your message. I am here to assist just as I was for Barack Obama. Please read my book, Smart Data, Enterprise Performance Optimization Strategy (c) 2010 Wiley Publishing. In that book, Dr. James Rodger and I advocate an outcome-driven government that begins with the top priorities.

Since economic security is paramount among priorities, developing a sustainable economy is #1. Barack Obama was on the right track in advocating a new energy paradigm to replace fossil fuels. That is a three step process:

1. Refine and make actionable the plan to achieve energy independence that will include optimizing return on domestic natural resources in a triple bottom-line approach that balances: economic, social, and environmental responsibilities.

2. Manage the transformation from fossil-fuel dependency to renewable energy with solar power in the lead. Create economic incentives for technology development in renewable energy production, storage, and distribution technologies.

3. Employ economic sustainability as a driver for renewing the American economy and stimulating a transformation in how Americans live and work.

Embrace the notion that the top purpose for government is to optimize return on national resources through the public and private enterprise partnership that makes the U.S. the world leader in advanced technology development and productization.

In a nutshell, there you have it.


James George

Sustainable Economics

Things that you need to know to be a great president.

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