The news today as delivered by Sean Spicer, The White House press briefer, was a complete absurdity. Spicer read a positively spun assessment about President Trump's nine-day trip abroad. Having seen most of the trip from live coverage, this analyst can confirm that the visit to Saudi Arabia was rosy and cordial, akin to having a party at Mar-a-Lago.
The visit to Israel contained some positively spun moments with the Netanyahu's with a backdrop of the smoldering furor over the President's having leaked confidential information to the Russians that pointed directly to Israel. Spicer didn't even touch that topic.
Next, Spicer reminded that the President scolded NATO about ponying up, but that his pushing the members worked because now they say they can do more without the US? Oh, success. Germany's Merkel claimed that American leadership is no more, thanks to Donald Trump. Another victory for The White House, according to Spicer.
As for the top questions about Russians and the Trump campaign, and about Jared Kushner's talking with Russian bankers and to the Russians about setting up off-channel communications, Spicer cast those as being in the realm of leakage. Where there are leaks, there are no questions, nor answers with one caveat.
That is when the President Tweets a quote from Fox News that is based on a leak, which might be OK.
"Spicer gets grilled about Kushner, Trump's trip in daily press briefing
50 Mins Ago
Breaking News"
If this is how The White House plans to conduct press conferences, they can only hold up a sign that reads: Bullshit, bullshit, bullshit.
Sean Spicer
The White House