Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Political Party Leader Vetting

This morning, Corey Lewandowski, one of Trump's former campaign managers, sought to blame the FBI for allowing Paul Manafort to join the Trump campaign. Under the microscope, many Trump campaign associates are scrutinized for their association with those charged with crimes.

Lewandowski claims that George Popadopolous was a low-level advisor with whom he had little interaction. Why was Popadopolous sitting at the table with Donald Trump in foreign policy meetings? From where did he come?

Observe also that the Trump campaign sought to send "lower level" campaign representatives to meet with Russian contacts to avoid suspicion. The Russians tried to cultivate lower level contacts to infiltrate as spies. Apparently, all were successful until the Special Prosecutor got involved.

Political Parties in the USA are responsible for vetting the representatives and candidates bearing their brand. They have a liability for failing to have done that.

"Breaking News From GOP Insider Brief 
Former Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski said Monday the FBI should have warned the campaign about Paul Manafort early on, reports the Washington Examiner. “If the public reports are true, and there was a time where Paul Manafort was under a [Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act] warrant before coming to the Trump campaign, why is it the FBI never reached out to me as the campaign manager, never reached out to Donald Trump, and said: ‘Look, you might want to pause for a second and take a look before you bring this guy on board as a volunteer to hunt delegates to you,'” Lewandowski said on Fox Business Network. “This is a problem with the FBI if you ask me."
GOP Insider Brief  

Image: The Daily Beast

1 comment:

  1. Political parties provide a service to their voter-citizens that includes vetting candidates for qualifications, credentials, and integrity.
