Thursday, October 19, 2017

The Commander-In-Chief

Donald Trump’s reckless and self-destructive behavior should be sufficient grounds for the Republican Congress to impeach him on the basis that he is unfit. By the 25th Amendment, the cabinet could convene, take a vote, to oust him.

The precipitous path would be dreadful for Republicans for many reasons including:

The high probability that many, including VP Pence, will be on the indictment or investigation list resulting from the Special Prosecutor’s findings in the Trump-Russian investigation.

The nation is facing a crisis of democratic life or death as we know it. Yet, most citizens don’t understand that their government is about to collapse with an unchartered way forward.

If we can wait long enough, a Democratic Congress might proceed with impeachment and all that follows. It is conceivable to see some perpetrators marching to the gallows.

This is not fake news. 

“(CNN)President Donald Trump's chronic inability to turn the other cheek to a perceived slight has landed the White House with a crisis on multiple fronts over his handling of the ISIS ambush in Niger that killed four US troops.”

CNN Screen Capture


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