Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Lies Are Not Color-coded

Hope Hicks said that she told "white lies" to protect the President. The FBI doesn't have a color scale. It is true or false. If you lie "to protect the President," what does that make the President? A liar, of course, and that is apparent.

Lying by a federal government official is a crime. Crimes do come in categories, but lying isn't one of them. It is on or off, true or false.

We don't know what the Special Prosecutor asked her, nor do we know her response. If she admitted to them that she told lies, that might have made her vulnerable.

"Her resignation came a day after she testified for eight hours before the House Intelligence Committee, telling the panel that in her job, she had occasionally been required to tell white lies but had never lied about anything connected to the investigation into Russia’s interference in the 2016 election." 
The New York Times
"F.B.I. Officials warned one of President Trump’s top advisers, Hope Hicks, earlier this year about repeated attempts by Russian operatives to make contact with her during the presidential transition, according to people familiar with the events. 
The Russian outreach efforts show that, even after American intelligence agencies publicly accused Moscow of trying to influence the outcome of last year’s presidential election, Russian operatives were undaunted in their efforts to establish contacts with Mr. Trump’s advisers." 
The New York Times

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1 comment:

  1. What does it say when one of your longest running staffers has to leave after one year of service?
