Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Romney Accepts Trump Endorsement

The news today is not that Romney is running for the US Senate. Instead, it is that he accepted Trump's endorsement. That should be unacceptable to anyone in any political party at this juncture.

I asked myself the question, are there no Democrats in the Mormon state of Utah? What do Mormons believe?

For one thing, the Mormon Democrat site underscores their commitment to male dominance. That is incongruent. Here is their manifesto.

I am working on a new book, and this topic will be a chapter.

By the way, Romney has lost his morals, dancing with the devil.

EDUCATION | We value public education for all children. We support teachers by providing them with the tools and resources needed to teach effectively. Education is the means to self-reliance. Ensuring a quality education now prevents needing help later. Funding education now means meaningful careers down the line. 
ENVIRONMENT | As sacred stewards of the earth, we strive to recycle what we can, use energy wisely, and seek to create a cleaner world. Caring for the environment is a sign of respect for the Earth, God, and our children. Our public policy should reflect that imperative. We only have one earth, we should take care of it like a pearl of great price.  
ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY | We each have a responsibility to help all reach self-reliance. Honest pay for an honest day’s work creates a strong economy, enabling self-reliant families. A more self-reliant America is a stronger America. #LDSDems Believe that a hand up prevents hand outs in the future. 
HEALTHCARE | Caring for the sick and afflicted is a key aspect of being a part of a moral society. Working to implement and continue healthcare reform is our part of that responsibility. All have a right to be taken care of, when that’s not offered through other means 
IMMIGRATION | Immigration has served as a foundation for American innovation and greatness since America’s founding. Compassionate reform that keeps families together, protects American jobs, allows businesses to find needed employees, and creates a simple path for legal residence is necessary to keep the American dream a reality.  
BIPARTISANSHIP | The best work can come when we share stewardship and agency, working to make America a better place. After all, ‘moderation in all things.’ Working together towards common goals results in ideas that are best for everyone. 
THE SANCTITY OF THE HUMAN FAMILY | Our human family is under attack. We cannot, in good conscience, call ourselves “pro-family” unless we are actively, practically, and concretely looking out for the welfare of all families, regardless of their wealth, religion, sex, skin color, gender, race, health, or sexual orientation. We hope our Republican colleagues and friends will reject their anti-family policies, which amount to little more than cafeteria morality. We invite all to strengthen and maintain families all across the state as the fundamental units of society." 

Any Russians watching?

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