Thursday, November 5, 2020

The Trumplican Party

Today, Donald Trump continues to advance claims of voter fraud and flawed vote counting without merit. He said in advance that he would sick his lawyers onto the American system, no matter what. Trump was frantically desperate that he might lose. The results say, based on the votes, he lost.

Donald Trump garnered a sizeable constituency under the banner of the Republican Party. While some Republican elected representatives might want to distance themselves, they can't. They compromised their integrity and now are stuck.

What happens next? Donald Trump will face a flurry of civil and criminal litigation, including tax fraud, business fraud, and slander, at a minimum. Legal experts predict sentencing for alleged crimes could amount to 10-20 years of incarceration. Also caught in the net with him are his family members.

The news emanating from the trials and prosecution will continue to undermine the Trump brand, including his political party and disciples.

Senators and Members of the House who bore allegiance to Trump remain in office. What will they do? At what point will "leaders" emerge among them to reposition and reconstruct the brand?

Americans who voted for Trump did so for two reasons: 1) they preferred the party platform that changed little from the 2016 version; 2) they underrated the importance of character and integrity.

I think most Americans will have trouble embracing political parties with leaders who are liars and cheats. The backlash to Trump being a liar and cheater will likely increase as more information is made available.

Unfortunately, the nation cannot ignore the underlying voters who elected Trump -- who were tricked or whose ignorance and flawed values were exploited.

A huge problem remains with bigotry in America that is evidenced in the rural and urban divide.

Education is the answer, yet as Dorothy Parker said, "You can lead a whore to culture, but you can't make her think."

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