Friday, January 15, 2021

Reprogramming the Republican Party

If you watch "Morning Joe" on MSNBC, you probably heard Joe Scarborough's latest rant about the recalcitrant and entrenched Republican Party to which he once belonged and represented in Congress. To Joe and people like me, most Republicans in Congress have compromised their oaths of office to such an extent that they are "seditionists." That is, they should not be censored or recused but expelled from Congress. Under the law, expulsion is the remedy.

If America is to rid the scourage of bigotry in the nation, then it must purge those who advocate it through their actions and deeds. The problem is enormous in magnitude, and one former CIA analyst suggested "reprogramming."

I recommend decertifying the Republican Party as a legitimate political institution because it failed to vet and failed to prevent insurrection. Its leaders and members fomented insurrection and bigotry.

My priority concern is reaching the children of Republicans to teach right from wrong. That begins with proper education in values, ethics, history, and the American Political System. I published a book that is a good foundation for that type of curriculum titled, How to Select an American President by James A. George and James A. Rodger (c) 20127 Archway Publishing.

According to psychologists, anyone under age 25 years can still be trained and learn. Beyond that, there is a diminishing possibility.

Truly, defenestration is the answer for Republicans. That is, throw it away and start over. There is nothing worth keeping except Abraham Lincoln. 

It's over.

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