Thursday, January 28, 2021

Republicans Maintain War Footing

One hundred sixty million Americans voted in Election 2020, the largest turnout ever. That is the good news. President-elect Joe Biden now holds the record for the most votes received by a presidential candidate, after getting 81,283,485. Trump got 74,223,744 votes.

51.4% of Americans supported President Biden, while 46.9% did not. Now, we have one nation and one president, and if united, maybe 60% would go along with the new government.

That isn't happening because Republicans are still stuck on Trump. Trump and his disciples support sedition, and they endorsed the insurrection by failing to follow the rule of law in pursuing Trump for his role in the attack on our government on January 6, 2021.

This circumstance of the national Republican leaders defies their oath of office and leaves the nation where it was at the Civil War. Some Republicans are armed and dangerous, populating the country. Mainly, their following include greedy wealthy citizens and ignorant and socially deplorable ones. Bigotry binds the sects as the "intellectuals" know they can't win elections without exploiting many's destructive behaviors.

This situation will not be resolved by armed conflict. It will be mitigated by law enforcement. Taking more time, Biden's policies and competence in managing the Covid and economic crisis will likely win more support.

The nation will remain with a large population of dangerous citizens whose loyalty to the Constitution and the rule of law is highly suspect.

"Republicans back away from confronting Trump and his loyalists after the Capitol insurrection, embracing them instead"

America in Civil War!

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