Sunday, January 20, 2019

A Catalyst to Accelerate Change

With Trump and his Republicans in a loggerhead with Pelosi and the Democrats, something has to give. Arguably, the President is an untrustworthy leader. Not even Mitch McConnell will carry the bat for him again.

Republicans authored and passed legislation to fund the government. Then, Trump wouldn't sign it. That is the fact and the blockage point. Democrats compromised by offering $1.3 Billion for Homeland Security and  Trump wants $5.7 Billion that includes his wall.

Yesterday, he offered to trade a three-year reprieve for Dreamers in exchange for his wall. The Democrats reject that because Obama had already taken care of the Dreamers and Trump withdrew that support. Now, he offers to give a little back, something already settled. That is why Democrats are not buying it. He's grabbing and cheating again as a "bargaining" ploy.

The pressure points to break the Washington jam up in government must come from a different direction. I suggest that the progressive Democrats in the House and Senate meet in a caucus to accomplish the following:

1. Organize teams to target specific Republicans in the House and Senate to motivate, inspire, and move them to confront Mitch McConnell and other Republican leaders to reject Donald Trump by mismanagement, abuse of power, and his undermining the rule of law.

2. Initiate a PR campaign that takes the problem to the voters in the States and Districts where America needs their representatives to align with Democrats to get the people's business done in Washington.

3. Emphasize these themes:

  • Regenerate America with Sustainable Economics
  • Purge authoritarianism from the American Government
  • End Citizens United
  • Embrace collaboration and consensus to advance solutions to big problems comprehensively
  • Accelerate resolution to the Donald Trump issues by investigating the most egregious allegations
Image Credit: Mid-Michigan Progressive Democrats

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