Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Sustainable Economic Model for the USA

Many Democratic presidential candidates have ignited their campaigns by addressing affordable healthcare for all Americans. We went up that road before when President Obama and Congress passed the Affordable Healthcare Act, aka, Obamacare. Republicans rejected the law because it contained elements that appeared to be socialized medicine with mandates that forced citizens to get insurance.

Republicans don't want to pay for universal healthcare, and they believe that the private sector, commercial solutions are best. They ignored the fact that millions of Americans were without coverage and that commercial providers were harsh in treating people who had medical problems known as pre-existing conditions.

Democrats believe that citizens have a right to healthcare. That logic follows from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights that define what should be protections for everyone.

A conflict arises between democratic ideals and capitalistic individualism. Debated is that capitalism and democracy are incongruent. In my book, Regenerating America with Sustainable Economics by James A. George and James A. Rodger (c) 2017, I make the case that a new economic model is needed. Called the Optimized Sustainment Model, I advocate a new way forward that supports democratic ideals while being economical, socially, and environmentally responsible. Please read my book.

I have yet to hear one candidate address the problem without diverging into extremes in the absence of a new invention in sustainable economics.

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