Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Emergency Declaration

America is facing a crisis. The government is shut down. President Trump is in a panic because he is losing political clout. He is is "trumping" up a story that immigrants are a problem and that caring for them as they apply for asylum is too great a burden without declaring an emergency.

He wants to wall them out. However, experts unanimously agree that is a stupid idea.

Now, he ponders calling a national emergency to bypass Congress who won't sign on to "the wall."  He's up against, his foolish idea.

He lies incessantly and no one in the world except the deplorable ignorant go along with him.

Timeout. Get a grip.  Republicans find your patriotic souls and get this guy out of here.

Get him out of here!

Image: Benzinga

1 comment:

  1. We don't have to put up with this. Tell your Congressional representatives and Senator to impeach him.
