Monday, January 28, 2019

Too Many Candidates

As for the Republican Party, there are too few candidates. However, for the Democrats, there are too many. In both instances, neither political party is performing responsibly to help candidates and voters vet the resumes of prospective office seekers.

For that reason, I wrote the book, How to Select an America President by James A. George and James A. Rodger (c) 2107 Archway Publishing. That book describes a process to guide citizens in evaluating resumes and qualifications.

In a democracy, it isn't too much to ask that voters learn how to accomplish this. Except, education is deficient on the subject. I will write a series of articles evaluating candidates using my approach. Yet, citizen voters are encouraged to learn and do it themselves.

American Political Parties fail because they allow candidates to use their affiliation without being vetted in a professional manner first.

In America, anyone can say they are running for office, but who says they are qualified? Who checks the truth about information on their resumes? What evidence is there that demonstrates they know much about the office to which they aspire?

What do voters know about the office for which they select candidates?

One might readily conclude that American voters are too ignorant and ill-prepared for their democratic duties. I turn a blind eye to that truth to take the higher ground.

As an American with average abilities, I did my homework and can prove my case in my writing. I encourage you to read and study my experience. I am glad to discuss it and to answer questions.

I am offering a free copy of my latest book: A President’s Manifesto, A model for how presidential candidates can tell their story by James A. George (c)2019 All Rights Reserved. I will send it in pdf and iBook formats if you request a copy at

How to Select an American President by James A. George and James A. Rodger (c)2017 Archway Publishing

Regenerating America with Sustainable Economics by James A. George and James A. Rodger (c)2017 Archway Publishing

There is no excuse for citizens being ignorant about their government and political system.

Request a free copy.

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