Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Throw Him Out

We the People can throw him out.

During the William Barr AG confirmation hearings, there is much discussion about the unitary powers of the President.

"The unitary executive theory is a theory of American constitutional law holding that the President possesses the power to control the entire executive branch. The doctrine is rooted in Article Two of the United States Constitution, which vests 'the executive power' of the United States in the President." 

To that end, the topic is about the extent to which a President can control or deny investigations into his behavior and performance as chief executive of the federal government. William Barr and some other former Republican administration AGs believe that high crimes and misdemeanors as stated in the Constitution is the bar for impeachment. However, they also acknowledge that if citizens lose confidence in a President and believe the incumbent is not performing correctly or is being abusive of his office or otherwise not fulfilling the oath, then they can demand ouster.

While Americans wait patiently for the rule of law and Special Prosecutor to deliver the results of an investigation into possible collusion or conspiracy to collude and obstruction of justice, they do not have to stand by watching Trump abuse federal workers with a shutdown.

He made the shutdown, and it has negative consequences to the economy and essential services required for national security. Therefore, I ask my fellow Americans to join in condemning his presidency and ending it with impeachment on the grounds of mismanagement and abuses of power and failing to fulfill his oath.

The investigation and potential criminality resulting from that can take its time. Americans don't have to wait for that to demand the ouster of Donald Trump.

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