Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Political Party's Platforms Need to Address these Issues

We, the People, must demand that Political Parties Publish their Platforms. We must require elected office seekers to publish their manifestos describing how they intend to address their party's platform in the context of their specific jobs and responsibilities. In my book, How to Select an American President, and in blog posts about Members of the House of Representatives and Senators, I described this in copious detail.

What are the significant issues in the United States? According to the U.S. Department of State, the following are priority policy issues.

  • Anti-Corruption and Transparency.
  • Arms Control and Non-proliferation.
  • Climate Crisis.
  • Countering Terrorism.
  • COVID-19 Response and Recovery.
  • Cyber Issues.
  • Disarming Disinformation.
  • Energy.

What about inflation, the national debt, and the deficit?

What are the main social problems in the United States?

Racism and racial inequality lead as significant domestic issues.

  • Healthcare in the United States.
  • Human rights in the United States.
  • Violence against LGBT people in the United States.
  • Domestic violence in the United States.
  • Gender inequality in the United States.
  • Wealth inequality in the United States.
  • Income inequality in the United States.

What about Social Security and Medicare?

I use a technique for prioritizing based on citizens' needs for a sustainable economic life that ensures a good life for everyone. It is based on the idea of public and private partnership that characterizes the relationship between government and private enterprises. It includes providing upward mobile opportunities commensurate with individual ability and preparation through education and training.

Given: The U.S. Constitution as the primary source for the rule of law

Shown: The Universal Declaration of Human Rights as the overarching protector of all humanity

What is a "good life for all?" (I am pleased to discuss, answer questions, and debate.) I define it as providing and facilitating a minimally healthy and sustainable quality of life for children, their parents, and their grandparents.

Platform Requirements and Level of Compliance as a %

  1. Keep the nation safe from enemies, foreign and domestic, 100%
  2. Keep the country economically secure, 100%
  3. Ensure all Americans have affordable healthcare, including all medical coverage, dental, and eyecare, 100%
  4. Ensure compliance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 100%
  5. Address all aspects of inequality to close the gaps 100%
  6. Protect the nation's utilities and communications, including cyber security, 100%
  7. Ensure the country has a competitively superior infrastructure, 100%
  8. Achieve energy independence from fossil fuels and replace them with green energy solutions,100%
  9. Ensure clean air and water 100%
  10. Promote Manufacturing America to ensure national defense capabilities across all industry sectors 100%

What I want and advocate is political parties' policies, legislation, and actions accomplishing these things and proposals for anything else they believe should be addressed.

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