Monday, May 6, 2024

America’s Political System Offers Little Choice

The two political parties are different in many ways. Democrats are loyal to the Constitution and the rule of law. Republicans are not. With Donald Trump as the GOP leader, his loud voice drowns out reason. Only with the help of Democrats was Speaker Mike Johnson able to pass the essential budget. Republicans are fighting chaotically within their ranks, yet only a few have broken free to acknowledge the disgrace it has become.


Democrats had an opportunity to start fresh by asking President Biden to pass the baton. They didn’t do that, fearing instability would weaken the party’s chance to regain the House, hold the Senate, and to control the executive branch.


Hakeem Jeffries is an extraordinary leader in the House of Representatives. If he can advance to Speaker, that will greatly improve the chamber’s effectiveness.


Kamala Harris is not weak or ineffective. She gained a lot of experience as vice president. However, she never had executive experience managing large government organizations. She would have been an excellent choice for Attorney General. With AG not in the cards, Harris will be Biden’s backup should he win against the highly corrupt and caustic Trump.


Are Americans so poorly equipped intellectually not to see the danger of Trump and Republicans? The polls say it is a close call.


Will Trump’s jury of peers decide he broke Federal Election laws on top of the misdemeanors he committed? We will know soon, within a week or two, probably.

If found guilty on the charges brought by Alan Bragg, Trump will go to jail. That should change enough minds to undermine his chances.

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