Friday, May 31, 2024

Is Half of the Population UnAmerican?

James Georg

Political Science

31 May 2024

Is Half of the Population UnAmerican?

What percentage of Americans
are in the Trump Cult?

According to Pew Research, “Partisans and partisan-leaners in the U.S. electorate: About two-thirds of registered voters identify as a partisan, and they are roughly evenly split between those who say they are Republicans (32% of voters) and those who say they are Democrats (33%).”

According to Roll Call, “In 2020, 94 percent of Republicans voted for Trump and 94 percent of Democrats supported Biden, according to the exit poll for CNN, ABC, NBC, and CBS. Party unity is also a trend in the midterm elections.”

At the moment, about 78% of Republicans are solidly behind Trump. That means 7% might not vote for him. Add that half of the independents (splitting them evenly): Biden 33 + 6.5 = 49.5 and Trump 25 + 6.5 = 31.5

That is how I see it.

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