Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Lock Him Up

When the Speaker of the House and several Republican Congressmen show up in front of the Court House where the former President and current candidate is on trial for fraud and election rules crimes, what do their actions say?


First, given the backdrop of Trump’s misogynistic behavior, sleeping with a porn star and others while married to former First Lady Melania (who was pregnant at the time), what does that say for the evangelical high and mighty Mike Johnson?


Second, what does it say about the integrity and character of the Congressmen who stand by a man convicted of defamation and financial fraud? Trump lied about his net worth and lied in filing his taxes. He cheated all Americans. He is proven time and again to be a cheat and fraud.


Donald Trump ran his family-owned business like a mobster and enveloped all his family who joined him in operating two non-profit organizations that are shut down for fraud.


How many former Trump lawyers committed crimes on his behalf:


Michael Cohen

Sydney Powell

Kenneth Chesebro

Jenna Ellis


There are more to come in future prosecutions, including Rudy Giuliani.


Trump’s former Chief Financial Officer, Allen Weissenberg, is incarcerated at Riker’s Island. Judge Merchan may command his presence in the Trump trial. The judge might compel him to testify, and likely Weissenberg will plead the fifth.


Donald Trump, the unsavory disgrace to America, has undermined the Republican Party and the US Government in many ways yet untold. For all that is apparent, he should be locked up and rejected by patriotic citizens.

Image: The New York Times

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